Superhuman attributes - (Strength, Durability, Speed and Agility).She buries her sorrow in her heart, and wields the power of the ancients for the future. To her, fighting is a farewell to the past.

Juniper appears as a playable character in Cartoon Network Crossover Chaos! She was the first and only character of The Life and Times of Juniper Lee to be playable. She also plays guitar in her own band along with her brothers Dennis and Ray Ray. She likes to hang out with her friends and enjoys doing sports such as volleyball and skateborading. When she's not involved in some magical hulabaloo, Juniper acts just like any normal girl. But, because of her young age, Juniper faces many struggles in balancing her normal and magical life, and keeping her powers a secret from her family. It is her duty, as Te Xuan Ze, to keep the balance between good and bad magic and keep the world of humanity in the dark about its magical counterpart.

Juniper "June" Kim Lee is a 12-year old Asian girl blessed with magical powers that grant her the title of Te Xuan Ze at the age of 12, thus becoming the protector of the hidden world of magic. "It's Your Party and I'll Whine if I Want To", May 30th, 2005